Introducing EcoTab, your eco-friendly productivity assistant that raises money for the environment with each new tab you open!

Did you know that the internet contributes to a substantial carbon footprint? Well, we found a way for each of our users to support the environment each and every day, with a simple free download!

In this blog post, we’ll explore EcoTab— the eco-friendly Chrome extension designed to support the environment every day!

Discover why EcoTab is a game-changer, understand the benefits it brings, and join the movement toward a more sustainable planet. Let’s support the environment with each new tab you open!


EcoTab: Transformative Green Browsing:

We recognize the urgency of finding ways to fund environmental causes, and helping spread news regarding sustainability, the future, and how we all can make a difference.

This Chrome extension not only optimizes your productivity with tons of features like reminders, to-do lists, and more but transforms your daily browsing into a force for environmental good! We contribute some of our profits from advertising and affiliate revenue to environmental causes!


Why EcoTab?

Environmental Partnerships

EcoTab operates on a simple principle: the more you browse, the more money we raise to help support the environment! We partner with charities, reforestation organizations, and carbon capture to ensure that each new tab you open directly contributes to the fight against deforestation and climate change. We will keep you informed every step of the way with how these funds support important environmental causes that we all care about! Our goal is to maintain full transparency to our users.

User-Friendly Interface

Seamlessly integrated into Chrome, EcoTab offers a user-friendly interface, requiring one click setup.

Customizable Features

Tailor EcoTab to your preferences with customizable features. Connect your Google Calendar and easily access your Google apps. Personalize your browsing experience with features such as to-do lists, sudoku, trivia, quotes and more!

How to Download EcoTab

Ready to make a difference? Follow these steps:
1. You can find EcoTab on the Chrome Webstore or Download at
2. Follow the installation prompts, allowing it to replace your new tab page.
3. Allow notifications and access to your location (this enables our features such as reminders and weather to work properly).
4. Start browsing like normal, except now with a great purpose! You can customize your features and trust that with each new tab you open, you will be raising money to support the environment!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram: and sign up for our newsletter for environmental and sustainable news and content!

Stay tuned as we have a lot of new features in the works just for you such as carbon tracking, timers, and more!

Easy and free solutions like EcoTab prove that we can transform our online habits into a force for good.

Download EcoTab today, and let’s navigate toward a greener, more sustainable planet.

Join the movement, reduce your online carbon footprint, and help the environment trees with every new tab page.